

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:中華人民共和國主席令第二十八號
ds of measurement, the ultimate standards of measurement used inthe departments, enterprises and institutions as well as the workingmeasuring instruments used in settling trade accounts, safety protection,medical and health work, or environmental monitoring that are listed inthe compulsory verification catalogue. Those measuring instruments whichhave not been submitted for verification as required and those which havebeen checked and found to be unqualified shall not be used. The catalogueof the working measuring instruments subject to compulsory verificationand the measures for the administration of such instruments shall bestipulated by the State Council.Standards of measurement and working measuring instruments other thanthose referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be verified at regularintervals by the users themselves or by the metrological verificationinstitutions. The metrological administrative departments of the people'sgovernments at or above the county level shall supervise and inspect suchverification.
Article 10Metrological verification shall be conducted according to the NationalMetrological Verification System. The National Metrological VerificationSystem shall be worked out by the metrological administrative departmentof the State Council. Metrological verification must be carried out inaccordance with the regulations governing metrological verification. Thenational metrological verification regulations shall be formulated by themetrological administrative department of the State Council. In the caseof certain instruments that are not covered in the national metrologicalverification regulations, the competent departments of the State Counciland the metrological administrative departments of the people'sgovernments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directlyunder the Central Government shall respectively formulate departmental andlocal verification regulations. Such verification regulations shall besubmitted to the metrological administrative department of the StateCouncil for the record.Article 11Metrological verification shall, according to the principle of economy andrationality, be carried out on the spot or in the vicinity.
【章名】Chapter III Administrative Control of Measuring Instruments
Article 12An enterprise or institution which is to engage in manufacturing orrepairing measuring instruments must have facilities, personnel andverification appliances appropriate to the measuring instruments it is tomanufacture or repair and, after being checked and considered as qualifiedby the metrological administrative department of the people's governmentat or above the county level, obtain a Licence for Manufacturing MeasuringInstruments or a License for Repairing Measuring Instruments.The administrative departments for industry and commerce shall not issue abusiness licence to an enterprise engaged in manufacturing or repairingmeasuring instruments which has not obtained a Licence for ManufacturingMeasuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.Article 13When an enterprise or institution manufacturing measuring instrumentsundertakes to manufacture new types of measuring instruments which it hasnot previously manufactured, such measuring instruments may be put intoproduction only after the metrological performance of the sample productshas been checked and found to be qualified by the metrologicaladministrative department of a people's government at or above theprovincial level.Article 14Without the approval of the metrological administrative department of theState Council, measuring instruments with non-legal units of measurementwhich have been abrogated by the State Council, and other measuringinstruments which are banned by the State Council, shall not bemanufactured, sold or imported.Article 15An enterprise or institution engaged in manufacturing or repairingmeasuring instruments must verify the measuring instruments it hasmanufactured or repaired, guarantee the metrological performance of theproducts and issue certificates of inspection for the qualified products.The metrological administrative department of the people's governments ator above the county level shall supervise and inspect the quality of themeasuring instruments manufactured or repaired.Article 16Measuring instruments imported from abroad may be sold only after havingbeen verified and found to be up to standard by the metrologicaladministrative department of the people's government at or above theprovincial level.Article 17When using measuring instruments, no person shall be allowed to impairtheir accuracy, thereby prejudicing the interests of the State andconsumers.
Article 18Self-employed workers or merchants may manufacture or repair simplemeasuring instruments.Any self-employed worker or merchant who is to engage in manufacturing orrepairing measuring instruments may apply for a business licence from theadministrative department for industry and commerce provided he has beentested and found to be qualified by the metrological administrativedepartment of a people's government at the county level, and issued aLicence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Licence for RepairingMeasuring Instruments.The types of measuring instruments which can be manufactured or repairedby self-employed workers or merchants shall be determined by themetrological administrative department of the State Council, which shallalso adopt measures for their control.
【章名】Chapter IV Metrological Supervision
Article 19The metrological administrative department of the people's governments ator above the county level may, according to their needs, appointmetrological supervisors. The measures for the administration of themetrological supervisors shall be formulated by the metrologicaladministrative department of the State Council.Article 20The metrological administrative department of the people's governments ator above the county level may, according to their needs, set upmetrological verification organs or authorize the metrologicalverification institutions of other establishments to carry out compulsoryverification and other verification and testing tasks. The personnelcarrying out the tasks of verification and testing mentioned in thepreceding paragraph must be tested for their qualifications.Article 21Any dispute over the accuracy of measuring instruments shall be handled inaccordance with the data provided after verification with the nationalprimary standards of measurement or public standards of measurement.Article 22A product quality inspection agency which is to provide notarial data onthe quality of products for society must be checked for its capability andreliability of metrological verification and testing by the metrologicaladministrative department of a people's government at or above theprovincial level.
【章名】Chapter V Legal Liability
Article 23Whoever without a Licence for Manufactured Measuring Instruments or aLicence for Repairing Measuring Instruments manufactures or repairsmeasuring instruments shall be ordered to stop his production or businessoperations. His unlawful income shall be confiscated and a fine mayconcurrently be imposed.Article 24Whoever manufactures or sells a new type of measuring instrument which hasnot been checked and found to be qualified shall be ordered to stop themanufacture or sale of that new product. His unlawful income shall beconfiscated and he may concurrently be punished by a fine.Article 25Whoever manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instrumentsshall have his unlawful income confiscated and a fine may concurrently beimposed.Article 26Whoever uses measuring instruments subject to compulsory verificationwithout having filed an application for verification as required orcontinues to use measuring instruments which have been checked but foundto be unqualified shall be ordered to stop the use
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