

點擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號:國務院令第65號
ed, for examination and approval.No printing unit may undertake the printing of unapproved facsimiles ofstamp patterns or matters similar to postage stamps.
Article 29Envelopes to be printed for use in correspondence must conform to thestandards stipulated by the State, and the printing of such envelopesshall be supervised by the local administrative bureaus of post andtelecommunications.Article 30Postcards to be printed must conform with the specification standardsstipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.Postal enterprises at or above the county level may, with the approval ofthe administrative bureaus of post and telecommunications, print anddistribute postcards with the inscription: "The People's Postal Service ofChina" printed on them; if the printing of postcards is conducted by otherunits, the printing operation shall be under the supervision of the localadministrative bureaus of post and telecommunications, but the postcardsshall not carry the inscription "The People's Postal Service of China"
【章名】Chapter V The Posting and Delivery of Postal Materials and the Compensation for Losses
Article 31Ordinary letters to be sent by compulsory service-men from places wherethey are stationed shall be posted and delivered free of charge, but otherarmymen shall not post letters free of charge. Measures for theadministration of affairs concerning the posting and delivery of ordinaryletters by compulsory servicemen shall be formulated by the Ministry ofPost and Telecommunications in conjunction with the department concernedof the Chinese People's Liberation Army.Article 32Users shall, in handling in or posting postal materials, comply with theprovisions stipulated by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunicationsconcerning the contents of postal materials, the specifications forpackaging and sealing, the writing forms, and the correct writing ofpostcodes; especially the envelopes used by users for letters to be postedmust meet the standards stipulated by the State; the surface or cover ofpostal materials and also the vouchers of postal services shall not beprinted (written) or stuck with any words or any other objects which havenothing to do with the postal materials; the facade of postagecertificates shall not be smeared, or covered with any other objects; noforged, facsimiled, cut and pieced together, or processed fordecontamination postal certificates may be used.Article 33It shall be forbidden to post and deliver or to insert in postal materialsthe following objects:(1) articles forbidden by law to be put in circulation or to be posted anddelivered;(2) reactionary newspapers, magazines, and propaganda materials, orpornographic articles;(3)explosive, combustible, corrosive, radioactive, poisonous, or any otherdangerous articles;(4) articles that are harmful to public sanitation;(5) perishables;(6) various species of live animals;(7) various currencies;(8) articles that are not fit for delivery by post;(9) articles that are not properly packed so that they might jeopardizepersonal safety, or contaminate or damage other postal materials orequipment.The articles mentioned in the preceding paragraph, which meet theprovisions of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications for deliverywith special approval, may be accepted and posted on the condition thatsafety is guaranteed.
Article 34Article to be posted and delivered in the country with restrictedquantities shall be stipulated by the Ministry of Post andTelecommunications in conjunction with the departments concerned under theState Council.Article 35With respect to articles posted or delivered in violation of the pertinentprovisions for forbidding or restricting their posting and delivery, thepostal enterprises or their branch offices shall, in accordance with theircategories, natures, or quantities, handle them respectively in thefollowing ways:(1) to withdraw the articles in question from delivery;(2) to notify the sender to take back the articles within a prescribedperiod of time, and, if the sender fails to do so when the prescribed timelimit expires, the said articles shall be disposed of right on the spot;(3) to transfer the articles to the department concerned to be disposed ofaccording to law;(4) with respect to articles which have jeopardized personal safety, orhave contaminated or damaged other postal materials, the sender shall holdthe liability for compensation. The expenses entailed from the handling ofthe cases mentioned in items (2) and (3) in the preceding paragraph shallbe borne by the sender.Article 36With respect to newly-established enterprises or institutions, or newly-built residential buildings, the units concerned or the competentdepartments of residential buildings shall go through the registrationprocedures for the delivery of postal materials with the local postalenterprises or their branch offices; in the event that a unit is to changeits name, or a recipient is to change his/her address, it/he/she shallnotify the local postal enterprise or its branch office of the change inadvance, or go through the procedures for the change to a new address ofthe recipient. The postal enterprise shall make known to the public theplace for registration and the telephone number.The postal enterprises concerned or their branch offices shall permitunits or individuals with following the conditions to go through theprocedures for registration, and shall, within 90 days from the date ofregistration, make arrangements for delivery:(1) possessing the conditions for passage of postal vehicles and postalstaff to execute their duties;(2) having the house numbers arranged in a unified way by the publicsecurity organs;(3) having installed letter and newspaper boxes or having set up officesfor incoming and outgoing mail; or(4) having completed due formalities where procedures for registration ofboth the Chinese and foreign names are required according to relevantregulations.
Article 37Postal materials shall be delivered in the following ways, except asotherwise provided by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications:(1) delivery by address:Postal materials of urban and rural residents shall be delivered inaccordance with the addresses of the recipients to the mailboxes or to theoffices for incoming and outgoing mail installed at the entrances to thecourtyards of single-story houses or on the ground floors of the storeyedbuildings. Postal materials of units, of the affiliated institutions tothe units and individuals of the units, as well as of users living in thedormitories within the courtyards shall be delivered to the offices forincoming and outgoing mail of the units. The office for incoming andoutgoing mail shall be set up on the ground floor of storeyed building; iftwo or more separate units share a same place, they shall decide throughconsultation on a single site for receiving postal materials in a unifiedway. If it is necessary to deliver postal materials and newspapers andmagazines upstairs, the users shall consult with the postal enterpriseconcerned or its branch office, and, in accordance with pertinentprovisions, pay charges for such special services.Postal materials of the rural and pastoral areas shall, in the light ofspecific conditions of communications and the quantities of postalmaterials, be delivered generally to a fixed place at a township or anadministrative village; with respect to postal materials of places under atownship or an administrative village, the people's government of thetownship or the villagers committee shall consult with the postalenterprise concerned or its branch office to find a proper way ofdelivering postal materials to the recipients. Postal materials to bedelivered to vessels shall be delivered to the office for incoming andoutgoing mail of a department to which the said vessels are subordinate.(2) collection by users:Postal materials that must be collected by going through the
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